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Retailers, Resellers, Affiliates and Partnerships

Frequently asked questions about retailers, resellers, affiliates, partnerships, and collaborations.

Where can I buy a Triple F.A.T. Goose jacket? Do you have any retailers or stockists?

Our jackets are currently only available online. As a direct-to-consumer brand we are able to circumvent the traditional retail business model and offer our products directly to our customers. This allows us to offer better quality, luxury fabrics, m

I'm an influencer interested in collaborating with Triple F.A.T. Goose. Who do I contact?

All inquiries regarding influencer marketing including YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok sponsorships can be sent to [email protected]. Please include any media kits (if available) along with links to your social media profile and/or webs

I would like to discuss a potential partnership/collaboration. Who can I contact?

Please contact [email protected] for all partnerships, collaborations, and media related requests and concerns.

Do you have an affiliate program? How can I become an affiliate?

Triple F.A.T. Goose's affiliate program is available for select individuals and businesses. Please message us on our chat feature or leave us a message with information about yourself and/or your business and include links to any social media account

Do you have a referral program?

Triple F.A.T. Goose currently does not have a referral program available.

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